League Table




Points system


Welcome to Poker School, BSM


pokerstars players for the poker challenge cup, winter edition

170 Responses

  1. game on

  2. lets get it on!!!!!!!!!

  3. go global, set up a big screen, broadcast to me and divil. lol

  4. Ladies, update that table so i’m top, yallll know it..
    Jackson, i’m the man now…

  5. wat the fuck..jesis use are messers:L

  6. I’m not even going to brag and say I’m going to win, i just hope there are plenty of Old Greg quotes at the table, if there isn’t; well take me off now !!

  7. ps..

    my picture is the nicest.

  8. Winner Winner chicken Dinner…the ultimate bragging rights up for grabs this week…lets go

  9. Am feeling Lucky

  10. Im only going for the half time refreshments

  11. Its disgraceful that Mr. Currans odds are so short, he’s being doing the worst recently

    But….he did make the website after all !!!!


  12. Connie, me thinks your gonny have to prove yourself at the table this weekend, all this big talk for a small time Mavrokanitis!

  13. Jackson….People in Mongola do not speak Portugese !!!

  14. Still no update on Jackson Pocket 5’s after his ‘dissapearance’ last weekend.

  15. Get the cards in the air boys! Shuffle up and deal! I’m gonna leave my talking to the table! P.S. Jigga, what’s the story with the tix for Cactus Jacks??

  16. Connie am outraged!!!! my odds are a clear reflection on my performances week in week out…cheers

  17. Is there a bookmakers so i can put a tenner on myself

  18. aye Connie, check out the comment under profiles of pokerstars, i’ve left a detailed comment on how to place bets, but heed the warnings

  19. ok….i have a tenner on myself….who do i give it too

  20. People in Angola speak Portugese. Fact.

    I lost my phone on my English adventure so will sort Cactus soon, hopefully not too late.

    I expect that I will stump for all the tiks before I receive any funds??????????

  21. its a saturday nite aint it Polly? I’m AI for that, much are they, i should be able to sort ye the funds this weekend, im all excited here on the eve of the league, still can’t believe Antonious Notetakious and Little John are playing away in Europe and missing the first fixture a the season

  22. ahhh i thought you said Mongolia last time…..

    which is why i was a bit scepticle, thought it sounded ridiculous but its all cleared up now and I am very very happy that i found you

  23. DONT FORGET!!!!

  24. what ???

    how much is it

  25. Some serious Deco Gay Face action in those profile pics – expect for Tootellini.

    That face means business time!!!!


  26. poker is a joke!!

    this league is a curse on me

    9/10 versus ace/queen, wat u think???

    cacks 9/10 beats my ace/queen, course it faaacckin does

  27. timebank toots is the fucking devil, jammy bastard. awful cards last nite, need to put that dissapointment behind me and get it sorted!!!!

  28. last nite is null and void, I forgot to get ye’s to sign the league agreements, at least the winners got money, league starts next week

  29. odds updated, inplay betting commences

  30. well well, the 2 wildcards were used to good effect, granting connie and noel the first 2 wins of the winter series, things will get messy through the weeks, good luck all, some dogshite hands last night also winning games, bsm

  31. hear hear Dark Dawg, BSM Forever, i reakon we have to cut ourselves next week and take an oath

  32. the luck of the cards?.. get the form book out.
    Wee ebdon is gonna run away with it. I’m the type a boy that’ll fold pocket kings, know whatta mean jacko.

    Connie and I play the wildcard well don’t we?

    Keep up fellas, god bless yeys x

  33. It’s just getting a bit too easy.

  34. poker to take place this wednesday boyo’s, get er scheduled in!

  35. Thats Dogshit!! but ill be there…

  36. A wednesday just wont feel the same. Whats your wildcard and whats the points system? cant read that table.

    jaysus see them Tuckers are putting the cry on already.

  37. D-Day

  38. is quinns face deliberately blackened out in case any of his pupils stumble upon the site?

  39. hahaha antonious notetakious needs to keep a low profile and ensure his pupils dont know he’s got a problem

  40. poorest week of the year for poker value

  41. we’re on a learning curve boys, lets put last nights drunken debacle behind us and move on. and in doing so we should write-off last night and thus declare all points awarded last night null and void.

    all in favour post aye.


  42. aye

  43. fuck off or this message board will become as aggressive as cacks livin room last night

  44. hear hear, week two nulled

  45. if that week is nulled im quitting the league and want my £4 back

  46. what about a complimentary wildcard as compensation? on the house 😛

  47. hurry up and get that table updated cacks

  48. done and dusted, watch urself fall from grace 😀 bring on thurs nite poker, no more aggressive wednesdays £1 a drink, quinn u gracing us this week?

  49. No need for refreshments this week, I’m ordering Paolos, wouldn’t be bothered cooking anymore, so everyone agree to what they want..

  50. paulos would be a refreshing change ‘Cathal’ especially since im working till10 this week, im feelin lucky this week punks, so tucker get ready to be joined at the top.

  51. Hopefully I shall be joining u lot this week to make my debut. My comeback is gonna be short lived tho, cos straight back outta action next week again! Gonna av to try and maximise the points haul this week!! Btw, I’m all over the Paolos idea. Cheesiest pizza going, dripping in mayo and any other white sauces on offer!

  52. whats tommy doing on the message board?? all this talk of paolos can only originate from one man!!

  53. Joke, ill not be attending this week due to the credit crunch, and the fact that last week was ”terrible”…………………….

    Game on…

  54. also, anyone agree? Decky counts cards…….. winner winner chicken dinner…

    every1 who thinks so also, post ”AYE”

  55. It was nothing but luck that won me them games last week, maybe the booze too and the fact that everyone else wanted to beat the shit out of each other ha!

    Its defs tommy thats talking bout paolos, has to be!

  56. I hope all your houses burn down

  57. jeez, bit harsh Tommy.

    Aye to what currandog was saying, and thus i think a 2 game ban for decspurs, and all points so far accumulated to be wiped off the board.

  58. fuck ye’s im away to Paolos

  59. On a serious note, can someone please explain the pointing system??

  60. Right…I’ll egt the Paolos this week then, Chicken boxes all round

  61. Ok, I’ll admit it boys, I was counting cards illegally and I do believe all my points accumulated thus far should indeed be forfeited. Aswell as that, I think I should be deducted a further 200 points as a sanction for my unsporting antics. Can I also add that I feel Tommy Henry should be credited with the points from last weeks session as a means of welcome and initiation into the BSM.

    P.S. Further to what I’ve said above, may I just say that I love Bacon & Bean flavoured Postman Pat cornsnacks.

    P.P.S. Crisps & Cornsnacks?? What’s the difference?

    P.P.P.S. Don’t be deducting my points or I’ll get my Da to u’s.

    P.P.P.S. “Aye”, to whatever Currany said above.

  62. The success of crisp fried potato chips gave birth to fried corn chips….

    A corn chip is a snack food made from cornmeal fried in oil or baked and a potato chip or crisp is a thin slice of potato, deep fried or baked until crisp.

    Think ones corn and one is a slice a spud.

  63. who was bored as feck yesterday?????

  64. think me and tommy were

  65. lol well dave thats the point system on there now, can ye work it out, clickin on it makes it bigger aswell, so if 10 people play and ye win 90 points, if 8 people play and ye come 3rd 40 points, tucker looks like he’s away out ahead, but remember its yer best 8 hands, so tucker could have 4 of his hands already, ur best could still be yet to come 😉 paulos then for quinn, dog food for the resta ye’s?

  66. oh actually and tucker. must be the longest thing tucker has ever written. 😉 get that table updated to show him at -200 points, i reckon if we ganged up we could all take CT out. and i reckon we’d have eoghan’s support cuz i dont think he’ll put family ahead of the potential prize money!

  67. started to write that previous reply at about 3.15 and only got to finish it there now! so busy in work ye know.
    ah cackz, im v impressed with that wee table you’ve done out. its all clear to me now. still need to hit a bit of form.

    Quinn, you are a mathematical genius, you should work out roughly how many points it would take to win it. sure that’d be easy.

  68. I’m Old Greg, pleased to meet ya.

  69. table done! toots came 8th, unlucky. ariba ariba! looks like t & t will b fighting it out, christmas break coming up now, rite another thing, what about a bsm nite out in jan instead a Dec. Have the league extended cause of all the cancelled fixtures and european commitments from some stars, and still have it from yer best 8 hands? that way noteakious and mavrokanitis can fulfill thier hands, otherwise we mite need to try aggressive wednesdays or chilled out tuesdays as a workaround. only 5 weeks left and i think i i’ve a chrimbo party on one a those, wont find out till next week thou. whats the general consensous, or will we get it wrapped up before chrimbo, already £48 in the pot.

  70. i’ve a xmas do on the thursday 18th Dec, think Quinn’s got something on too.
    i think maybe a christmas break, play a couple of weeks in January, then mid to end January have a BSM night out/awards ceremony, present the winners’ money and have a few awards- like Slowest Player (Tootles has that ITB), Most Improved, good attendence, biggest moaner (tuckle brothers vying for that one, Colin catching up though! not to mention meself!) etc. dont necessarily need trophies or anything like, just make up random prizes for a bit of craic???

    Cackz – total up that money, lodge it in your account and tell the bank you want them big massive cheques!!!

    PS what palces are going to earn some prize money 1st, 2nd 3rd or what??

  71. January or December finish suits me cackels…

    By the way.. timebank tootles is no more.. use can call me speedy, quickcall, or illtext yeysthemarra.. what ever suits yeys..

    Wee Rags is the new timebank.. That man can’t decide whether to play or fold pockets aces..

    Tucker, I’ll see you on the podium, (not you eoghan)…

    Who do you think will come last in the table quinn? FISH!!!
    I believe i’ve used this in the right context, if so… muhahahaa


  72. and another thing cacklesbury, gone add 1 more column to the league table and have the postions on it. instead of me having to work out te points and all.

  73. sorted dave, im not sure whats hapnin with that table, it looks upside down to me! dave already chequein out about the big cheques for prizegiving, mite see if lawrence fancys getting it in the sports section a the journal too hahaha i was thinking a just doing first and second, theres £48 at the min, bout about £20 a that will be for trophy and new cards, so total at end of it will be about £100 or so , 75/25 split. but this is a democracy and as obama said last nite, its up to you the people to decide!

  74. id say just give the winner a trophy and then use the rest of the dough for pints, actually just thought bout that we would prob only get bout a pint each ha!

    The big cheque is a fantastic idea, even we dont win i think we should all get one anyway ha1!

    Jan or Dec suits me, its all bout the craic and the food for me.

  75. alright decky, ya ol democratic mudda fucker haha

    fuck the craic.. I want a trophy, a cheque the size of a sofa and the respect of the mafia!


  76. toots, you just want to lose that Timebank nickname

  77. If we’re playing on the 16th March I’m afraid I Can’t go as I booked for NYC today…..Apologies.

  78. cunt

  79. Dave, you love it ya slag.

  80. If we’re playing on the 16th March I’m afraid I Can’t go as I booked for NYC today…..Apologies.

  81. fucker (it wouldnt let me post cunt again!)

  82. gay weekend for yous two then

  83. well ill be happy enough knowin that my money isn’t takin either or u there cause neither of u will win the league or be placed! that knowledge is good enough for me

  84. Right folks, there’s a BSMafia Committee Meeting/ Sit down on Friday 28th November 2008 to discuss our logo, trademark and copyright issues, new merchandising and sponsorship deals – adidas and lucozade are said to be interested, business oportunities – including the opening of Derry’s first poker superstore, and the first ‘hit’ we are putting out on rival poker players. i think the Don of Cactus Jacks or downeys poker league should be taken down to we assert some authority and take control of the derry city poker scene.

  85. also some suggestions last nite that b*witched are talkin about releasing a bsm song, which will have some subliminal messaging,they are in talks with louis walsh at the min, further updates will be available at the meeting on the 28th.

  86. i’m writing to let you’s all know ill not be taking part in the poker league for the rest of the league campaign. This is due to the fact that I recently been fooled into thinking this league would add to my entertainment on a Quiet Thursday night in Bridge St. Thus it has not.

    Dark Dawg returns next Thursday after “im a celebrity get me out of here!”

    It’s just got serious.

  87. Just remembered….i actually wont be attending next week also!work commitments… feck rock bottom of league

  88. Impressive website lads! Pity the big fish cant compete, try and get a live online feed and i’ll clean up. Its all about discipline, takes a brave man fo fold a flush king high.

    God speed.

  89. thats what its all about lads, BSMWorldwide

  90. i fouight like me da as well

  91. Lads we’ve slipped up.


    We shoulda had the bsm (c) and we woulda cleaned up!!!!!!!!

    Great to see you on board Muck McG. I prefer Gerry ‘Dope Titties’ McGahan!

  92. i dont understand what that website is about? what does the bsm have to do with drivin lessons??? eh, it doesn’t even stand for anything, i mite see about gettin a partition to get it removed

  93. must stand for British School of Motoring. from the bottom of the page:

    The British School of Motoring Limited (Company No. 291902). Registered Office: 8 Surrey Street, Norwich NR1 3NG.

  94. i hear ye barkin there davey bhoy, rite i added a new page on there for chrimbo dinner, all the details in there have a look. have no credit so can’t text anyone back at the min, poker as usual this thurs so pass on the message. Roll on payday mo shizlons

  95. I hear ye barking doggy! i like it lol!

  96. tables updated, my league form has come on in leaps and bounds,u’s boys at the top need to watch urselfs!

  97. official, rock bottom of poker league, december will be a big month for me, i hope

  98. Hi lads,

    If youse are looking to get rid of any chips, gis a shout

    Full fucking tilt.. Me and E.T. BLUHH xo

  99. how does that pie chart look now Toots?
    that second game was too hardcore for me! glad i didnt use (waste) my wildcard.
    cacklesbury any update on what night poker will be this week?

  100. not sure what nite (if any) that poker will be on this week, have that dinner on thurs and im goin out friday, only really leaves tomorrow nite free but im working till 11, so thinkin of just sackin it this week, get a wee rest up for next week 😀

  101. no sweat. i had a dream last night cackz and u were in it. it was lovely.

  102. sex dream

  103. am goin full tilt

    10-2 off suit, over the top of ur re-raise quinsworth. has de go down as worst mover in BSM history.

    still finished ahead of u haha

  104. wasnt really a sex dream decspurs. there was like a party in my house or something and cackz slept on my sofa and the next morning my ma was like “who’s that mess sleeping on my sofa” that was the jist of it.
    think there might’ve been a part when he had no top on though, but thats usual and i dont think u can consider it sexual.

    whats the opposite to full tilt?? empty tilt? well balanced?

  105. LOL i was trying to find our site using google and came across this:


    LOL Texas hold’em it isnt.

  106. i dream about u lot all the time, i have visons, like of toots liftin the trophy and it makes me sick!

  107. Chrimbo dinner cancelled guys, there’s a certain member who can’t make it and it wont be the same without him, so when do you think we should go out instead ??

  108. Cathal, I am not only honured, but flattered at the previous post, I am free anytime I suppose as I’m working the original date, thanks again. Shucks.

  109. totally agree, it would’t be the same, lets just have it when Connie wants, and we’ll pay his also it’s only fair.

  110. No, I’m glad Connie’s not going.

  111. Decky, ya cheeky cunt.

  112. connie, if u win this league, ill take u out for dinner and eat a hat with a bit of crispy bread

  113. Unfortunately……The fixtures has wrecked my promising start to a season, I’m now going for toots because he had the guts to grow a chin beard and he has nice hair also.

  114. jesus boys can we keep relevent posts in the correct sections please. turning this into a free for all here. Moderator, move the above posts into the Chrimbo dinner section. tut tut

  115. who is posting under the alias decsspurs, very clever i seen wot u did by using the 2 s’

    i would love connie to be able to make it and i still have faith that he wont let us down ;p

    is poker back on this week cacks or we goin to have to go to paeders and drink all margos vodka again!

  116. speaking of margo’s vodka boys, bring a few pound extra to poker this week so we can buy margo a bottle or 2 of vodka as a thank-you/christmas present for getting the grub for us every week, least we can do i think.
    (and no need to buy the chef a present as he’ll probs drink more of the vodka than margo!)

  117. dave until i give u moderator rights, i dont think you have the right of free speech or the right to such requests as movin posts, its not DCFC chat (ps i tried to move it and didn’t know how to) also oul margo would appreciate a bottle of vodski from BSM am sure, get her a neddle aswell so she can inject it and a funnel for her eye.
    lets watch, toots is like hitler as he see’s his dreams and empire crumble, he’s also got the closest facial hair to hitler than any one else within the BSM, heil heil Tootillini

  118. i was only joking! nothing i hate more than dicks crying about topics in the wrong place! (though i did do it myself one day, just on badness,, put in the rolly eyes and everything)

    i quiver in fear thinking of going up against the Führer on Thursday night

  119. dave and cacks are single handedly keeping this message board alive,

    I will hopefully be in attendance this thursday, we having another maverick game of full tilt poker, i enjoyed gettin home for half1 the last time out

  120. im back!! game on, needs big points

  121. turbo second game, double points. All-In.

    Toots, why are you called Toots?

  122. Dave,

    Toots is greek for “full fucking tilt”

    hope this answers ur question xo

  123. ah right, my Greek is a little rusty.

  124. has anyone seen my shoe ??

  125. I need a win tonight guys…that’s free information there people….

    ps. the host is currently Jaeger bombing it in the swarf now. Not even 4 o clock and he’s still got chicken curry to make for the event tonight, and other nick nacks….

  126. i sense another disastrous round of poker tonight

  127. Cacks is a mess! Just rang him! Out since 3 today the joker! I might pull out of this one as I sense a dodgey edgey Wednesday night poker part 2.

    Is everyone still attending? LOL

    I’ve a feeling there’s no food either!
    That’s the final nail in my coffin, no poks for me

  128. Ladies, hope hope this finds u well.

    Did poks happen, who won?

    im going to the river club every thursday from now on…

    cathal, get ur balls outta the freezer..

    i was in bed for 11.30, and thats not full tilt thursdays..

  129. who won this shambles?

    I might retire….Testimonial for me next Thursday night.
    Double money Christmas winner.

    El Clasico this Saturday, with X Factor final on also! I’ve my sat night sorted! woot woot

  130. to the boys that didn’t attend on thursday, u’s are absolute beefcakes

  131. I am the word.

  132. whos attending this week on thurs??
    u’s boys that pussied out up for it this weekend?

  133. mmm, i might attend,i will def be there, and with me i shall bring the bsm poker school trophy, if it arrives in time, behold it, as for cacks comments, your a dildo, proper useless dildo

  134. im out – staff do.

  135. fer feck sake Dave!! head count for tonight then??

  136. i should be there but only if my 1st and 2nd place from last week is updated on the table????

  137. cacks must be steaming by now……..lout

  138. Is there going to be a bsmafia Holiday next year ??

    That would be swell

  139. aye there will be coniferus, but you have to qualify for it by playin at least 75% of the games, therefore connie, u do not qualify, sorry, where do we fancy going??

  140. Cathal, we ony use you for your house.

  141. is there poker on soon??????

    whats this of a bsm world poker tour?

  142. cackz ye need to get that table updated.
    whats the story with the league and all???

  143. Yes Curran, there is discussions, everyone is invited except Dave.

  144. Seriously Cackz update the fucking table.

    My drunken master performance will rocket me up the table and if all this 8 best finish balls counts i’m not too bad.

    But the rules change every week!!!

    REDRAW!!!! WE DEMAND A REDRAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  145. this thursday is gonna be the making of breaking a suma use fuckin boies

    Up the huirs

  146. Your right toots!!!!!

    Huirs for life!!!

  147. Don’t bother updating the table, its a stupid table anyway.

  148. rite, no-one has taken the suggestion on board of hosting the poker, so its been abandoned for the week and will be up and running next week, now, the last week that it will run to will be thurs the 26th of Feb, therefore i reakon we get a nite out on the friday the 27th of feb to celebrate and get the journal out to take photo’s of the winner with his cheque and trophy, also i need updates on the 2nd set of results, i only have quinn as coming last and jackson as winning and tucks as 2nd, i think i came 3rd last but i bought in aswell, any updates much appreciated. Si

  149. are you on about that thursday the 18th for the second game when i landed up?? Im nearly sure i hung around like a bad smell and finished 4th, but was there not only like 6 playing????

    thailand aye

  150. PS if you’re on about the 11th i’ve no idea. think i might have sat that one out, was that the night only a few of youse played?

  151. naw talkin about the nite about 7 of us played, and jackson won both games, dispicable! i believe it would have been the 18th, its all coming together now, i love it when i book thailand in a drunken state

  152. dear shipmates,

    god bliss every single wan a yeys!!

    this poker league has evaporated into mediocrity..

    get out the door………. ya whore! xo

    stay warm

  153. the league is back with a bang this weekend, almost a month off, there will b grub and goodies for the regulars and the non nyamers!

  154. Shut up Cathal.

  155. Rite, where back up and running. Table has been updated and now you can also see your best 13 hands which the BSMafia Championship will be decided upon as there is a total of 26 games. This could be cut to 12 if there is a week we cannot get it arranged, theres still plenty to play for and sparkletooth is away out in front, with polly closing in from behind, theres £96 quid in the pot so far. get that up inside ye’s!

  156. Thats sweet now BSMafia, cheers for all the hard work and sweat and graft you put into making our lives much more enjoyable.

  157. Jeasus Cackz, your fair coming back after a slow start, i’ve my money on you, ur the 2nd best poker player I’ve ever played with after Phil Ivey.

  158. Game on… Off the bottom.. Only way is up! Nigeria are too good at pro evo also

  159. Who won last night then ?

    I was class last week, finished last twice.

  160. Game on!! league table looks abit better now…..Only way is UP UP

  161. bluh bluh, i’ve got my name engraved on the trophy

  162. updated, £148 in the pot now me ladies, get in, 4 games up for grabs, it could all heat up in next couple a weeks, especially for jigga and tucker, battling it out for 2nd place 😀

  163. I look in a comfortable position now…. Out of the relegation battle. Hard to get out of there, its a dog fight at the bottom.

  164. Odd’s for the title also updated 😉

  165. last week, i’ve got nerves already! only 30 odd points ahead!! its between the 3 of us for 1st but a few with placing claims!! top 3 will be paid.

  166. Tonight…

    I will be officially making waves…



  167. Just wanted to say congratulations Cathal.

  168. Helllooo 🙂

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